Shanghai: Restaurant Food Edition
Here it goes…it’s not necessarily the “traditional Shanghainese” because it is restaurant food after all, but delicious and authentic nonetheless!
- Savory egg custard
- The feet!
- Abalone!
- Called the Toad’s Spit, but looks like the usual dairy foam to me…
- Sour cabbage and pork over rice, seaweed soup on the side.
- Fried tofu
- Japanese izayaka
- Beef tongue for grilling
- Sesame soup with rice balls.
- Soup dumplings
- Pork feet
- Sweet peas soup. So simple yet so flavorful!
- Sesame coated…
- Combination spring roll with tofu skin
- Steamed shrimp dumplings
- Steamed pork in rice crepe
- Mushrooms wrapped in pork belly.
- Not sure…
- Forgot what this is…